Earth Saving Crypto: Cryptocurrency

6 min readApr 5, 2021

By utilizing energy to approve exchanges in a manner that is autonomous of any current network or source, Cryptocurrency mining will save the environment.

A Cryptocurrency block utilizes energy that is sufficient to run a decent-sized home for seven days! Cryptocurrency’s energy use is equivalent to that of Nigeria! It is quite evident that if the development of cryptocurrency continues at a similar rate, it will consume the energy of the whole world!!

I’ve heard everything, and I will show a few reasons why a completely established Cryptocurrency economy would diminish worldwide energy usage and improve the climate.

The normal contention is that Cryptocurrency utilizes enormous amounts of energy, which means more fossil fuel byproducts are consumed, hence, it’s destroying the environment and promoting climate change. However, to critics, Cryptocurrency is a pointless, degenerate structure that will wind up consuming all energy in the world in just over a year, if we don’t stop it at this moment.

Cryptocurrency needs energy. Why?

Many people are bamboozled by this aspect because Cryptocurrency is a new form of monetary technology with no analog. Importantly, Cryptocurrency is not the same as Visa or PayPal, because it makes use of resources differently.

Cryptocurrency demands the use of electricity to keep track of transactions. Since miners spend resources and therefore incurred an unnecessary real-world expense to fit the transaction into a block of transactions and hitch it onto the “blockchain,” a Cryptocurrency recipient can fairly trust that the cryptocurrency they’ve earned is theirs. This clear assurance that a transaction is done is referred to as “finality.”

There is no expense associated with modifying a transaction if the energy expenditure is removed. The original sender may decide to change their transaction later to point to one of their other wallets rather than yours. Now you haven’t been paying, or the money is in two places at the same time. In a monetary or payment scheme, that won’t fly. The “double-spend problem” is how nerds refer to this little copy-paste issue. Cryptocurrency Is the only technology that can solve this problem on a wide scale without relying on a trusted third party, and the energy consumption is a critical component of that solution.

The more resources cryptocurrency uses, the more money it costs to secure the chain. More protection ensures that an “attack” on a transaction history is more costly — so costly that double spending is uneconomical or impractical. The higher the cost of securing the chain after your purchase, the more “final” it is.

More energy consumption = more security.

Mining uplifts, the development and improvement of renewable energy

Bitcoin mining rewards the most energy-proficient excavators with the most benefit. Mining is tied in with augmenting the number of hashes (calculations) per kW of power. In the present situation, the best way to generate the highest hashes/ kW are which includes the usage of solar energy and hydroelectric, hence these are the simplest way to produce electrical energy (excluding the Govt. subsidized energy). If the growth of Cryptocurrency continues, the importance of solar energy increases as people rush to find inexpensive ways to generate power. Furthermore, renewable energy sources sometimes produce an excess of power. Consuming a portion of the overflowing power to mine Cryptocurrency would counterbalance the expense of running sustainable renewable energy sources, making them considerably more proficient.

Cryptocurrency foundation has a lot more modest impression than heritage Financial systems.

To make Cryptocurrency work, you need Electricity, Computers, and the internet. That’s it. Fiat currency needs resources to print the currency, to ensure it is being designated correctly, fraud services, whole organizations devoted to preventing counterfeiting, money transport services, and many more. The list goes on and on, and it is repeated with every fiat currency that exists. Cryptocurrency’s infrastructure requirements are orders of magnitude lower than those of fiat currency, and that’s only looking at the capital needed to produce fiat currency. Cryptocurrency enables users to use their phones to replace major bank services. When you use Cryptocurrency, you don’t need a trusted third party to store your money or participate in the global economy. The more the world adopts Cryptocurrency, the less impact all of that paper/metal money has on the climate!

Laughing Stock: There’s this new cryptocurrency called Decibel. You just yell in your microphone to get money…

It’s a sound investment.

PS. Please be forgiving. Haha!

Bitcoin makes consumption too costly.

Cryptocurrency is a deflationary asset and a lucrative investment vehicle on its way to global acceptance, so saving it is more rewarding than investing it. How much energy is wasted on consuming products that aren’t necessary? Fiat currency promotes consumption because it is inflationary. Why keep your depreciating dollars when you could get a sweet kick-ass jet ski instead? If your currency appreciates over time, you prioritize transactions based on needs rather than wants. Is it worth it to get that hot new 4k LED big screen if holding onto that same amount of Cryptocurrency will allow you to buy a yacht next year? Is a yacht better than waiting a year and having an island until your current holdings allow you to buy one?

People will need food, shelter, water so purchases will continue. The citizens and businesses that produce essentials, on the other hand, would be the richest in the new global economy. Consider how much waste we could save if non-essential products were more costly as a result of currency appreciation!

Don’t believe me? Buy some Cryptocurrency and see how it makes you feel. You’re missing the bigger picture if you believe this is an argument against Cryptocurrency as a currency. This is an example of Gresham’s law in action. It’s much easier to invest depreciating currency like a hot potato while hoarding Cryptocurrency before you need to use it. Poor money will circulate until it explodes, at which point good money will come to save the day.

Energy production is a basic, dynamic, and deeply rooted technology that will take time to turn. Considering the long arc of history when we evaluate the potential impacts of new technology like Cryptocurrency as it relates to energy.

Bitcoin mining is not a consumer technology like the television or mobile phone — it is an industrial technology that requires heavy energy infrastructure, more akin to airplanes, automobiles, and the telephone, which required new physical infrastructure to be installed (airports, roads, telephone lines). Source

In the case of Cryptocurrency, the novel technology offers energy producers a completely new way to monetize their resources, and as a result, it can pass into every energy production site on the planet. As a waste, stranded, and renewable energy sources with near-zero (or below zero) energy costs are sought out to power mining facilities, this will drive down the profitable price of energy for all miners, pushing more energy efficiency.

So, if you believe in saving our planet, environmentalists, take a closer look at this technology and the role it plays in energy markets. Crying wolf is probably simpler if you’d rather gain clout at the cost of making a real impact.




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